Our range of maths tutoring services
Enjoy Maths provides in-person and online maths tutoring, school booster groups and CPD sessions across Gloucestershire. We help children build their confidence,
develop skills, and enjoy maths.

Private maths tutoring
Maths is both a core school subject and a valuable life skill.
Early intervention can prevent small gaps in understanding from becoming significant obstacles, setting a strong foundation for future lessons.
Personalised learning ensures children grasp concepts at their own pace. It can also develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in many aspects of life beyond the classroom.
Primary school booster groups
“The research is clear – tutoring can be hugely successful in accelerating progress for struggling learners. It is also one of the best evidenced interventions we have to support disadvantaged pupils’ attainment.”
Professor Becky Francis Chief Executive Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
EEF research states that the average impact of small group tuition is 4 additional months’ progress over the course of a year.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Effective CPD is essential to ensure you can deliver high quality teaching and impact positively on student outcomes. We offer training and support for the teaching and leadership of mathematics. If this is a priority in your school, please get in touch.